Our company Pragati Milk Products is a Private Limited company registered under the Company Act of 1956 in the year 2008. Prior to 2008, we were a partnership firm. This unit belongs to Pasupati Group of companies. Our registered office cum factory is located at New Industrial Estate, Jagatpur, Cuttack, Odisha within close proximity to the commercial city of Cuttack. At present we are the largest private dairy in the state of Odisha. About 10,000 people earn their living by employment with Pragati. We play an important role in social economic development of cattle farmers in Odisha.
We have two processing units at New Industrial Estate, Jagatpur each having milk processing capacity of 3 Lakh Litres Per Day. Along with milk pasteurization, we manufacture cultured products, ice-cream, frozen products, paneer, ghee and sterilized flavoured milk at these units. There are 9 chilling plants spread over the costal districts of Odisha, each having 70,000 Litres Per Day milk chilling capacity. Entire milk procurement system in digitized with our online milk collection system to all the chilling plants connected to head office. As soon as the milk is poured in our specially designed milk weighing bowel, the suppliers are informed about the quantity and the quality via network enabled sms systems. The milk collected is chilled instantly and transferred to our processing plants through insulated tankers.
Pragati is the leading brand of dairy products available in all cities of Odisha. Every morning Pragati's delivery vans provide its distributors and retailers with fresh milk and milk products. We maintain our own complete cold chain starting from milk collection in rural villages to retailers in urban areas. Our logistics include more than 100 heavy refrigerated vans to deliver milk over 200 kms of distance. Distribution of milk and milk products in the local market is done by insulated delivery vans. We have over 50 specially designed refrigerated ice-cream delivery vans on duty to cater ice-cream at our distributor points. Most of our ice cream distributors have FOW to deliver ice-cream to the retailer in their respective areas.